Upcoming changes to API submissions and responses

Hi Developer Community,


A quick update - We are currently in the process of making some updates and changes to our existing APIs and  have unexpectedly let the cat out of the bag in our compliance environment before our documentation has been completed. When you make your submissions into the compliance environment, you may run into a different response than what you expect. We hope to have the full details of these tweaks and changes up on our website in the next few days which will show what these changes are. We are also deep in the development cycle for our next release of APIs (Invoice and Invoice query) so keep your eyes peeled for more information.


If you have any questions, please let us know on the forum.



Hi Dev Community,

Thank you all for your patience. We have now updated all of our scenarios, responses and code samples to match and reflect the latest specs of our APIs. If you have any questions about this, then please let us know.

Here are a list of the changes to the APIs

Claims:  Remove diagnosisAction, accAssistanceRequired, workCapacity/accAssistance, workCapacity/accContact, primaryDiagnosisIndicator

Medical Certificate:  Remove accContact/contactPerson

Query Claim Status: Change structure of responses to a List structure 

On another note, we have released our Invoice, Query Invoice and Query Payment APIs into our compliance environment and so you can now see our swagger file and related documentation for these APIs. The full production release is due in the next few weeks and we will announce when this has been completed and we will also be publishing more code samples and scenarios in the next few days.
