Requirements for ACC medical certificate submissions

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Medical certificate submission scenarios

1. Submission of a medical certificate adding a diagnosis code to an existing claim (Adam)

Given I am a clinician
When I need to submit a medical certificate for a client to add another diagnosis code to their existing ACC claim
Then I receive a successful response confirming this has been added to the ACC claim

Adam scenario details

Adam scenario payload example 

2. Submission of a medical certificate adding a diagnosis code to an existing claim and making this the primary diagnosis (Bob)

Given I am a clinician
When I am submitting a medical certificate for a client to add another diagnosis code to their existing claim and making this diagnosis code the primary diagnosis for the claim
Then I receive a successful response confirming this has been added to the ACC claim

Bob scenario details

Bob scenario payload example 

3. Submission of a medical certificate modifying a diagnosis code on an existing claim (Charlie)

Given I am a clinician
When I am submitting a medical certificate for a client to modify an existing diagnosis code on their existing claim
Then I receive a successful response confirming this diagnosis has been modified on the ACC claim

Charlie scenario details

Charlie scenario payload example 

4. Submission of a medical certificate advising of client is fully unfit to work for 1 week (David)

Given I am a clinician
When I am submitting medical certificate for a client to advise that this client is fully unfit to work for 1 week from the date of this consultation
Then I receive a successful response confirming this has been added to the ACC claim

David scenario details

David scenario payload example 

5. Submission of a medical certificate advising of client is partially unfit to work for 1 week with work restricted conditions (Eddie)

Given I am a clinician
When I am submitting a medical certificate to ACC for a client to advise that this client is partially unfit to work for 1 week with restrictions on the work that can be done from the date of this consultation
Then I receive a successful response confirming this has been added to the ACC claim

Eddie scenario details

Eddie scenario payload example 

6. Submission of a medical certificate advising of client is fully unfit for 1 week and then partially unfit to work for a further week with work restricted conditions (Frank)

Given I am a clinician
When I am submitting a medical certificate to ACC for a client to advise that this client is fully unfit to work for 1 week followed by a period of being partially unfit to work with restrictions on the work that can be done
Then I receive a successful response confirming this has been added to the ACC claim

Frank scenario details

Frank scenario payload example 

Medical certificate printing scenarios

1. Print a copy of a medical certificate submission from scenario 5 (Eddie) for a client

Given I am a clinician and I have submitted a medical certificate successfully
When my client requires a copy of the medical certificate for their records
Then I am able to print a copy of this

2. Print a copy of a medical certificate submission from scenario 5 (Eddie) for a clinician for their records (and as a potential manual submission)

Given I am a clinician and I have submitted medical certificate successfully
When I need a copy of the medical certificate for my clinics records
Then I am able to print a copy of this

3. Print a copy of a medical certificate submission from scenario 5 (Eddie) for a client's employer which shows all the relevant fit for work information and none of the medical/clinical information

Given I am a clinician and I have submitted a medical certificate successfully
When my client requires a copy of the medical certificate to provide to their employer,
Then I am able to print a copy of this