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ACC Products and Services are tools you can use to provide a service.
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Customer-specific APIs: The complete suite of Provider-ACC interactions for software vendors to consider absorbing into their user experience.
API Claims
API Invoice
API Query Claims
API Query Invoices
API Query Payments
IDE Documents to ACC
SendInvoice SendInvoice
Send Claims to ACC
Customer-specific APIs: For software vendors to absorb Provider-ACC interactions into their user experience.
API Claims
API Query Claims
Inbound Data APIs
Options for customers to get data in to ACC.
Receive Documents from ACC
Customer-independent products: Options for receiving documents from ACC.
Non-Acute Rehabilitation Pathway
Use Case-specific service: SendInvoice is the preferred invoice submission mechanism. IDE or SFT are the preferred discharge data submission mechanisms; which is subject to agreement.
Send Documents to ACC
Customer-independent products: Options for getting documents in to ACC.
Inbound Documents API
Customer-independent product: Initially focussed on health providers sending documents / images to ACC such as case notes to support claims. Will be extended to any current paper / PDF document sent to ACC.
Integrated Home and Community Support
Send Invoices to ACC
Customer-specific APIs with the potential for being customer independent: For software vendors to absorb their customer-ACC interactions into their user experience.
API Invoice
API Query Invoices
API Query Payments
SendInvoice SendInvoice
Outbound Data (Query) APIs
Customer-specific APIs: Initially focussed on health provider claim, invoice, payment updates. Will be extended to other queries of the ACC data lake.
API Query Claims
API Query Invoices
API Query Payments
Applications using our APIs
Entry points to ACC APIs without you doing the development.
SendInvoice SendInvoice