Requirements for Inbound Document submissions

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Inbound Document submission scenarios

1. Submission of a successful Treatment Extension document

Given I am a clinician and I submit patient notes electronically for a client

When I submit a document and provide the following information

Then the document is uploaded to ACC and I receive a successful response

Treatment Extension


2. Submission of a Rejection

Note:  Complete one of the rejection scenarios below (you can choose scenario A, B, or C) and provide a screenshot of the error rejection response being captured in the PMS/application. If your PMS/application does not allow for the scenario due to front-end validation, then please let us know. The purpose of this scenario is to show that your PMS/application can handle error messages from the API.

Rejection scenario A: submit a file greater than 20 mb

Rejection scenario B: submit an unsupported file type (not a PDF)

Rejection scenario C: submit an unsupported document type (e.g. Dental notes)


3. Submission of a successful Discharge document

Given I am a clinician and I submit patient notes electronically for a client

When I submit a document and provide all the required fields

Then the document is uploaded to ACC and I receive a successful response

Special consideration:

If content type is Discharge and Operation reports (MMEXDISOP) the MetadataforContentType is required. Valid options are either ‘Notice of Discharge’ or ‘Operation Notes'

Discharge Document


4. Submission of a successful Specialist/GP/Other treatment provider notes

Given I am a clinician and I submit patient notes electronically for a client

When I submit a document and provide all the required fields

Then the document is uploaded to ACC and I receive a successful response

Provider Notes


5. Submission of a successful Radiology Report

Given I am a clinician and I submit patient notes electronically for a client

When I submit a document and provide all the required fields

Then the document is uploaded to ACC and I receive a successful response

Special consideration:

If content type is Radiology reports (MMEXESHTI) the assessmentType and bodysite is required

Where Assessment Type is provided and is greater than 9 characters and contains the term “Radiology”, then the term ‘Radiology’ must be excluded. E.g. “Radiology – X-ray” becomes ‘X-ray”.

Where Body Site is provided and contains the term “MR” or “MRI” in the first 2 or 3 characters, then the term “MR” or “MRI” must be excluded. E.g. “MRI Lumbar Spine” becomes “Lumbar Spine”.

Radiology Report