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Claim Number Allocation

Change Diagnosis

Medical Certificate


Uploading a document(s) to ACC

Query Claims

Patient Claim Status Returns the submission status of claims for a given patient, submitted by the organisation sending the query.
Claim Status (Selected Claim) Returns the status of a selected claim submitted by the organisation sending the query
Claim Status (Claim Number) Returns the status of claims with a given claim number, submitted by the organisation sending the query.
Claim Submission Status Returns complete details of the selected claim request showing its submitted status as either Failed or Receipted.
Claim Registration Status (POST) Returns the registration status for a list of claims submitted by the organisation sending the query.
Claim Registration Stats (GET) Returns the registration status for a list of claims submitted by the organisation sending the query.
Claim Details (Filtered) Returns filtered details of the selected claim request, in its submitted status whether Failed or Receipted

Query Invoices

Vendor Invoice(s) (List) Returns list of submitted Vendor Invoices.
Vendor Invoice(s) (Detail) Returns a details of Invoices submitted by the Vendor.
Invoice Status (Specified Invoice) Returns details of the specified invoice.

Query Payments

Payments List (Vendor) Returns a list of payments for the specified Vendor.
Vendor Invoice Payment (Summary) Returns the summary of a Payment for the Vendor and Payment reference.
Vendor Invoice Payments (Detail) Returns the details of payments related to specified Invoices for the Vendor.


Codetables Returns a code name and code description for a specific code.
Codetables 1 Returns a list of categories.
Codetables 2 Returns a list of codes for a specific category.

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