IDE Downloads

IDE Basics 1.02 MB - PPTX
Overview of Information Data Exchange (IDE)
Data Exchange 2022 SRA v1.2 1.14Mb - PDF
IDE Platform Certification (Nov 2022)
Latest Security Certification for Eightwire’s Conductor (IDE) product.
Data Exchange - Implementation Planning Guide V 5.0 623 KB - PDF
Data Exchange Implementation Planning Guide
Data Exchange - Readiness Assessment Guide V 3.0 632 KB - PDF
Data Exchange Readiness Assessment Guide
Data Exchange Questionnaire 34 KB - DOCX
ACC “Get Started” Information / Data Exchange Questionnaire
Eightwire - Solution Design Primer 405 KB - DOCX
Presents the material for a detailed solution design for implementing connectivity to Eightwire Platform
Eightwire Data Sharing Principles 622 KB - PDF
Illustrates the data sharing options available
MOU Template for data sharing between ACC and supplier 70 KB - DOCX
MOU relating to the sharing of information for monitoring and reporting on a named service
Third Party - Due Diligence Form - Oct 2019 309 KB - DOCX
Due Diligence Framework for Third Parties