IDE Legal

ACC has a number of legal requirements pertaining to the use of IDE between ACC and another party.

These requirements must be completed before connecting. In particular, the sharing organisation and the receiving organisation agree why data is to be transferred between them, what data is to be shared, who is responsible for sharing and receiving data and how shared data will be used. Any legal document that captures the above agreement is acceptable.

We have provided the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) document as an example of what needs to be covered for approval. Furthermore, if ACC is sending document externally, a Third Party Due Diligence Form must be completed by the 3rd Party.

If you are a 3rd Party, please Contact Us in the first instance so that we can explain the requirements.


70 KB - ACC / Supplier Data Sharing Memorandum of Understanding.

303 KB - Due Diligence Framework for Third Parties.